Wednesday 24 December 2008

On the 18/12/08, Gez's lesson we watched a few previous works of thriller openings. We also looked at what we should consider when actually doing our thriller openings, which were, the target audinces and how important they are and also how important the actors are.
On the 15/12/08, Rebecca's lesson we analysed six different clips, each from different thriller films. The best one i thought was 'The Shining'. It has had a huge influence on ideas for my own thriller. The greatest idea was that music plays a big role in building up tension. When we watched it without the music it did not build any tension.

Thursday 18 December 2008

Sunday 14 December 2008

On 11/12/08's lesson we watched a film called 'The Bourne Identity'. The film was about a man rescued in the middle of the ocean, he was trying to find out who he was. The reason we watched this film was to look at how they create suspense so it can help us when we are doing our final thrillers.
On 04/12/08's lesson we have done a practice filming session. The task we were given for our practice filming session was to film someone reading a newspaper in a thrilling and exciting way. We had to do a minimum of 12 shots. The props we used were a newspaper and a newspaper reader. We were given a lesson to plan it and a lesson to film it. We as a group were happy with the camerawork. I personally think that the most successful shot was the panning shot. The editing went ok and I think that our short film did make sense. What I learned bout mise en scene was that it is not very easy to control somebody when you are filming them. I think that we did manage to create an element of suspense, I think that what created this suspense was when we were filming our newspaper reader at the start when he was just walking, I think that people would want to know where he is going. We did not forget to do anything. There was no conversations used in our thriller. The practice filming session has helped me to become much more familiar with the camera, it was a very good experience, so I think that it will help me a lot when we do our real ones.

Thursday 4 December 2008

Todays lesson was a continuation of mondays. We printed out our digital storyboard. As two members of my group was not in we had to join another group, which made us change our whole storyboard so we had to go along with theirs. Mickey, the technician showed us a short DVD of how to use the camera, then we signed a little form saying that we have been taught an intro, just to make everything on the safe side. We used what we thought was the most effective shots, which were, high angle shot, close up shot, panning and tracking. This was it for today.

Monday 1 December 2008

Todays lesson we were taught an editing tutorial, which was by Micket the media technician. We were using 'Final Cut Pro'. We played around with some of the clips and we worked out how to put a sequence of clips in order by cutting and editing. We were then put into groups for our thriller. In my group there is me, Jamie, Aziza and Elaine. After we were put into groups we had to plan out our thriller so instead of using the storyboard sheet, me and my group decided to do a digital storyboard. That was all we did in this lesson.