Thursday 29 January 2009

In todays media lesson we filmed the part where we used Mickey our technicians car. We did low angle shots of the car. We pannes the car. We did a point of view shot of Mickey watching Elaine, while he was in the car. Another point of view shot of Mickey while Elaine looks over her shoulder and realizes that the car is really close to her. A medium shot of Elaine while she is running and she bumps into Aziza when he is trying to run away from Mickey who was following her. And also a panning shot of Mickey in the car who is following Elaine up the road. I think that our filming and the shots that we used have all went very well and I am quite proud of the work that we have produced as a group. The things that we are also planning to do is to film inside Liverpool Street Station, that will only be done when we recieve an e-mail from them, which as you can tell we haven't and it has been a week. Also to finish the editing, then produce our music track using SoundTrackPro and to finish off to create our credits.

Friday 23 January 2009

On Thursdays media lesson we began to film our thriller opening. On Monday as a group we had decided to film in Liverpool Street Station but on Thursday morning we found out that we needed permission to film there. So the media technician Mickey sent an e-mail and we have to wait at least a week to recieve a reply. So then we decided that we should film the other parts of our thriller opening. We started to film in a quite street near our college. Jamie was the cameraman. We filmed long shots and low angle shots of Elaine walking down some stairs. We also panned her walking out on to the street and medium shots of her running away scared of the car which has been following her, while she bumps into another person, which was Aziza from our group. While filming this part of our thriller opening their was a challenge that we had to face which was the rain. So we had to hold up an umbrella for the camera to avoid it from getting wet and damaged. The filming was a very good experience.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

On mondays lesson we were given a sound tutorial. It consists of watching clips from James Bond films. We also did a soundtrack using the software SoundTrackPro on our practice thrillers.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

18/12/08 watching previous works of past students

In today's lesson we watched previous works from past students to get some ideas for are own thriller. The one that caught my eye was the opening when a man in a suit walks into a skyscraper gets in the lift but leaves a suitcase in their. The idea is very simple but the type of shots used made a simple idea seem good, which is what I want to do when filming my own thriller opening, a simple idea.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

On 12/01/09's lesson, firstly Rebecca went through what a pitch means with us. This week Elaine was missing in our group, we had to still carry on doing the plan for our real thriller. This lesson I also found out that we cannot use any Copyright music and that we have to make our own music using the SoungTrackPro software. We started to plan our thiller, we as a group liked the idea of an illegal cab kidnapping and raping a girl. To get some more ideas we watched some of the last year thrillers. Everyone in our group got a role each and mine is to complete a storyboard to show to the class and to write down who the target audience of our thriller opening is.

Sunday 11 January 2009

15/12/08 Watching clips from famous films lesson

In today's lesson we watched clips from the films 'Arlington Road', 'The Shining', '28 Days Later', 'Collateral' and 'What Lies Beneath'.
'The Shining' was my favourite film out of the list and the scene we watched portrayed the film brilliantly. The scene we watched was the little boy riding his tricycle down the coridoor's of the hotel. The scene is arguably one of the most famous of all time, yet so simple it was done to perfection. What makes the suspense in the scene is the eeirey music and the low angle camara shot from behind. The low angle shot puts us as the viewer in a vulnerable position and being behind him we no less about whats going on than he does, especially going around corners. When he gets off the bike the camara is in such a position that we dont know whats inside if he opens the door but he will, this along with the music sets up a perfect suspenseful scene.
'The Shining' along with 'Arlington Road' and '28 Days Later' have given me many ideas for my own filming work.

11/12/08 Bourne Identity Lesson

In today's lesson we watched and analysed the 'Bourne Identity'. The 'Bourne Identity' is a film film based on Jason Bourne who is found at sea by some fisherman, he then for the rest of the film tries to find out his true identity and finshes unresolved which sets up the film for a sequel. While watching the film we had to write down three suspenseful scenes and write down why the were suspensful, i found that many of the suspense in the film was due to the music or silence and then a loud bang.

8/12/08 practice filming session

In today's lesson we started practice filming our assignment was to have someone reading a newspaper but using camara shots make it suspensful. Since two people in my group were not in Ayse and I joined with Wing and Addil. When we were filming i took the role of being the person who was reading the newspaper while Wing and Ayse filmed and Addil was character 2. After break we started on editing our film it turned out pretty well and flowed smothly. The best shot I thought was the over-the shoulder shot of the person reading the newspaper (me). The shot worked well as the camara was handheld and moved up and down to show character 2 breathing heavily.

Friday 9 January 2009

The task we were given for our practice filming session was to film a thriller opening using two characters and at least 20 shots. The shots that i think were the most successful were the panning and low angle shots. The editing was perfect, the continuity of it was very successful and it actually made sense. I think that we did manage to create an element of suspense because at the start we only filmed my legs going up the stairs and started to follow where we were going, so the audience may be drawn into it to see where this person may be goingto. We didn't forget to do anything, like filming extra five seconds before and after each shot which is very useful while editing. I think that this practice filming session was very useful because we will be much more comfortable and knowledgeable while doing the real thing.

Thursday 8 January 2009

06th January 2009. - Match Cut Introduction.

Today we had Marrisa come in and explain what a match cut is. A match cut is basically, a continuous motion between each clips. After we had to plan a 16 shot short clip, for thursday's lesson. Where two characteres are needed, character A and B. A door and a table would be needed for this session.

11th December 2008 - The Bourne Identity.

Today we watched a film called , 'The Bourne Identity' with Gez. This film is about a guy who was found at sea, who has lost his memory. The aim of the film was to help find the guys identity, to find out about himself and who he is. The aim of the lesson, was to watch the film and note down how they create suspense during this film, which will help us during our thriller makings.

06th January 2009. - Match Cut Introduction.

Today we had Marrisa come in and explain what a match cut is. A match cut is basically, a continuous motion between each clips. After we had to plan a 16 shot short clip, for thursday's lesson. Where two characteres are needed, character A and B. A door and a table would be needed for this session.

11th December 2008 - The Bourne Identity.

Today we watched a film called , 'The Bourne Identity' with Gez. This film is about a guy who was found at sea, who has lost his memory. The aim of the film was to help find the guys identity, to find out about himself and who he is. The aim of the lesson, was to watch the film and note down how they create suspense during this film, which will help us during our thriller makings.

Filming & Editing of the MatchCut session.

Today we filmed a short clip based on character A and B. Character A has to walk through a door and simly sit down and exchange a few sentences. We had difficulties getting the right positions and get everything in order, but we got there in the end.
Editing was humourous, we manage to fit all the sections togther to create a perfect match-cut. We experimented with the sound but ended deciding not to use any sound.