Friday 23 January 2009

On Thursdays media lesson we began to film our thriller opening. On Monday as a group we had decided to film in Liverpool Street Station but on Thursday morning we found out that we needed permission to film there. So the media technician Mickey sent an e-mail and we have to wait at least a week to recieve a reply. So then we decided that we should film the other parts of our thriller opening. We started to film in a quite street near our college. Jamie was the cameraman. We filmed long shots and low angle shots of Elaine walking down some stairs. We also panned her walking out on to the street and medium shots of her running away scared of the car which has been following her, while she bumps into another person, which was Aziza from our group. While filming this part of our thriller opening their was a challenge that we had to face which was the rain. So we had to hold up an umbrella for the camera to avoid it from getting wet and damaged. The filming was a very good experience.

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