Sunday 11 January 2009

15/12/08 Watching clips from famous films lesson

In today's lesson we watched clips from the films 'Arlington Road', 'The Shining', '28 Days Later', 'Collateral' and 'What Lies Beneath'.
'The Shining' was my favourite film out of the list and the scene we watched portrayed the film brilliantly. The scene we watched was the little boy riding his tricycle down the coridoor's of the hotel. The scene is arguably one of the most famous of all time, yet so simple it was done to perfection. What makes the suspense in the scene is the eeirey music and the low angle camara shot from behind. The low angle shot puts us as the viewer in a vulnerable position and being behind him we no less about whats going on than he does, especially going around corners. When he gets off the bike the camara is in such a position that we dont know whats inside if he opens the door but he will, this along with the music sets up a perfect suspenseful scene.
'The Shining' along with 'Arlington Road' and '28 Days Later' have given me many ideas for my own filming work.

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