Sunday 29 March 2009

15/01/09 Selling Our Pitch

In today's lesson we had to give our pitch to our class and teacher. The first half of the lesson we were given a chance to practice and combine ideas, since we did most of the work individually for homework. Our pitch had to contain 8 main themes and they were:

  • Main theme
  • Setting/location
  • Lighting
  • Camara work
  • Storyboard
  • Key images
  • Music
  • Production Plan
The pitch itself had to last at least 10 minutes.
Since there was only me and Elaine giving the pitch we had a harder job than the other groups because there was just the two of us. I feel the pitch could have gone better but went ok considering we had two people missing, and we had to fill in the blanks that they left. Speaking was shared out between me and Elaine, I would say 1 paragraph and she would say the next etc. I think we had some good ideas and that we knew exactly what we were shooting and when, and that was 'a young woman coming home from work realises she is being followed by a stranger in a car. The tempo gets faster as the scene goes on and is left unresolved leaving the audience on a cliffhanger.

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