Sunday 29 March 2009

29/01/09 Second Thriller Filming Session

In today's lesson we still had not heard anything from the people at Liverpool Street Station so we unanimously decided to film the car shots we needed. We had Mickey, the technician, driving the car in the shots. I filmed Elaine walking and eventually breaking into a run when she realises she is being followed by the car. For our long shot of inside the car we had Elaine walking down many different streets while I was in the car filming all the time without stopping I decided this would be best and we could cut which part we wanted when we came to editing. The hardest shot to film today was the shot of the rear view mirror because of a mixture of:
  • Elaine being so far away from the car at the start of the shot
  • the mirror having to be adjusted to the perfect angle to see Elaine
  • the camera having to be held perfectly still and in the same position, otherwise the angle would be off and would not be able to see Elaine
When we had finished filming Mickey drove us back to college and as we had some time left we decided to edit the footage we had filmed now. I decided to stay at lunch to get it finished and as Elaine and Aziza never had lesson's after lunch they stayed on a bit longer as I had to go to lesson. We managed to match cut the footage and played it with the footage we filmed two lessons ago, and saw it coming together nicely with just a few shots and final touches needed. Through lunchtime we managed to create half of the credits and eventually I had to go to my next lesson but I later caught up with them and they told me they managed to finish the credits and added them to the film.

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