Sunday 29 March 2009

22/01/09 First Thriller Filming Session

In today's lesson it was our first filming session of our thriller and we already had a problem. On monday my group decided we were going to film at Liverpool Street Station, but today we found out from the our technician, Mickey, that to film there we must first get permission from them. We then agreed that it would be best not to go down there today in case we were not allowed to film there and it would be a day's filming wasted. We asked Mickey if he cold e-mail them for permission and if it was granted we would film the shots we needed from there next lesson. We decided to film in a quite back street not to far from the college today and given it was our first filming session it went well. Since I was the camara man it was up to me to get the shots we needed and set an example. I filmed elaine walking through an enclosed area of tall buildings with a series of shots. We got more than enough footage today and are ahead of shedule.

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