Sunday 22 February 2009

12/1/09 Getting our pitch ready for next lesson

Today's lesson was all about getting our pitch together and ready for next lesson, this was crucial as we will be getting marked on our pitch and this was something we could not leave to the last minute. I first made a list of some ideas for the thriller which my group looked over and added some of thier ideas. We then had a vote to which idea sounded the best: we unanimously decided the idea of a person in a car (the identity of whom would not be revealed), would be stalking a girl as she comes out of a train station and will proceed down a quiet street. Eventually after the girl realises she becomes increasingly frightened and she gets faster, she will run round the corner and bump into someone (taking the suspense out of the scene). Our ending has not been decided yet, one which came to mind was she would be thrown into the back of the car, but this will probably change. As we were giving our pitch next lesson we assigned each other tasks to brainstorm for the pitch I decided to pick camara shots and sound & lighting.

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