Saturday 28 February 2009

On Thursdays media lesson it was the last lesson for us to complete our thriller opening. Two of my groupmates were not in, which were, Aziza and Elaine so, I had to complete our thriller with Jamie. Firstly, Jamie and I added the finishing touches to our music, we were a little bit confused and didnt know if the other two would agree with our choices but then at the end we decided that we would go with our own choices and if the other two disagree then it is their own fault for not arriving for our last lesson before the deadline. After we added the finishing touches to the music we thought of a title for our thriller and added this too, to our final masterpiece. Now that the making of our thriller openings are over, I feel a little sad because it was a very good experience for me because I got an insight of what it would feel like if I decided to work for the media industry in the future.

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