Monday 23 February 2009

The Shining

The shining builds up a lot of tension because of the music and also because of the point of view of the camera. The music is a very high pitched violin and when the boy is about to open the door the music keeps on increasing in volume and then decreasing, which shows us the audience that something bad is going to happen, it also raises the level of anticipation. When he does open the door the music changes which shows us that there is going to be a change, which will surprise us. The camera is at a very low level, the audience is with the child and we are behind him which shows that something bad will happen. The anticipation the little child feels is then transferred to us which makes us feel very vulnerable. The little boy takes up most of the screen time. When the boy arrives at the door 237 we are shown this very clearly, which shows the audience that it is not a good number. The editing is very fast when we are shown the two girls. The location is a hotel corridor, it is not bright but well lit.

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