Thursday 12 February 2009

In todays lesson we started to create music for our thriller using the software Sound Track Pro. The credits for our film were previously done on mondays lesson. I think that the music that we have produced does create tension because it starts off on a normal pace then as the film plays on and the viewer starts to realise what is going on the music starts to get louder at the points of suspense. Annabelle, our subject teacher, watched our thriller so far and thought that it was very good and she told us that it does create the tension that is needed, she also pointed out some improvements, one was to cut and shorten one of the clips because she thought it went on for too long and Elaine, our character looked very small on screen. She also suggested that we should use some of the music techniques that would make the viewer think that everything is ok when the music suddenly stops, but then they would come to realise that it was a false resolution when they carry on watching the thriller to the end. I think that Annabelle's suggestion for the music is very professional and we would use the suggestion.

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